Calories Burned Squats Calculator : Doing 1 Squat,30,50,100 Squats


    Calories Burned Squats : 0 Kcal


    Squats are a staple for any workout plan whether your goal is to build muscle or burn calories. There are a lot of types of squats out there. The main goal of squats is lower body strength but it also engages the core and that burns more calories. The basics of squats are standard across all its variations which includes keeping your chest up and hips back. When your thighs are more or less parallel to the ground, you hold, then push yourself up with your heels to your starting position. As you incorporate weights into your squats, you tend to build more muscle as well as burn more calories. You get stronger but the disadvantage of using this is since you build more muscle, which is denser than fat, even though you are burning through a lot of calories, your body weight may not reflect the decrease in body fat.

    How many calories does 1 squat, 50 squats and 100 squats burn?

    Most fitness professionals would agree that starting with bodyweight squats to get your form dialed in is the best way to go before moving on to loaded or weighted squats like barbell or goblet squats. It’s safer just safer because if you have the wrong form and you squat your body weight’s equivalent, then you’re just asking for trouble.

    50 consecutive squats using bodyweight alone is a good starting point for a complete novice but 100 full range of motion squats is a better target. But how much calories do 100 squats burn?

    As we all know, calorie burn depends on how much you weigh and the time spenting during doing squats. Average number of squats in a minute for man and female at different age is dfferent.

    But for reference, let’s say you weigh 150 lbs and average number of squats in a minute is around 25.

    And Doing squats at slow or explosive effort has a met value of 5.0

    According to ACSM, METs x 3.5 x Weight (kg) / 200 = Calories burned per mintue.

    In another word, 5.0 x 3.5 x Weight (kg) / 200 = Calories burned in a minute of doing squats.

    So, using this formula, we can calculate the calories burned doing squats.

    For example, a 150-pound personw doing squats will burn 6 calories per minute, and 60 calories in 10 minutes.

    That’s to say, this man can burn 0.24 calories per squats, which is based on 25 squats per minute. And he will do 100 squats in 4 minutes and burn 24 calories.

    Below is a chart for squats calories burned by 25 squats per minute.

    Squats130 lbs140 lbs150 lbs160 lbs170 lbs180 lbs190 lbs200 lbs
    1 squat0.
    10 squats2.
    20 squats4.
    30 squats677889910
    40 squats89101011111213
    50 squats1011121313141516
    60 squats1213141516171819
    75 squats1517181920212324
    100 squats2122242527293032

    Calorie burn goes up as you progress to loaded squats but at that point, you are also starting to go through what is known as body recomposition, the fat tissues that you burned will then replaced by muscle mass which often negates what you lost as far as the scale is concerned. You feel stronger but not necessarily lighter. You will also notice that your legs will look a lot tighter and your knees feel a lot better when you carry stuff.


    Using the same standard as we did earlier, you burn 24 calories per 100 squats for someone who weighs 150 lbs. which has a ratio of 0.24 calories per squat. If you are aiming at a specific number of calories to burn, like 1000 calories, you need to perform 4167 standard bodyweight squats. My knees started to shake just by looking at that number. There are other ways that you can burn calories quicker like push-ups jumping jacks and burpees but if you are dead-set on using squats as a means to burn your calories away, then you have to make sure that you spread this out a bit. Trying to do over 500 squats in a day will just bring you more pain than results. A more manageable way of doing this is by dividing it through sets. Doing 100 repetitions in a set is a good starting point. Doing 3 sets a day will get you well over your target in two weeks. As a matter of fact, in two weeks, you would have burned an equivalent of 1 pound of fat. You just need to make sure that you follow a strict form and be religious enough to complete 3 sets in a day.


    Squats and lunges are two of the most well-known lower body exercise. They both build muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Both exercises work on the same muscle groups (quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, inner thighs, and calves) and they both have a similar effect on your metabolism. Your metabolism increases and you then store less fat. Less fat stored, fewer calories you need to burn. Squats and lunges burn virtually the same calories. Using the same weight standard as earlier (150 lbs.), you burn 0.24 calories per squat and 0.25 calories per lunge. A standard lunge is 3 seconds long averaging 20 lunges per minute. The main difference between the two is squats engage both sides of the lower body per repetition while lunges do it one at a time. Lunges are great but its added benefits like added core and hip activation are more noticeable for athletes. If you have to choose, squats are a better choice as far as calorie burn but if you need some imbalances in lower body strength, then lunges will be more suitable to address it. Each exercise has its merit which is why they both are a staple for any lower body exercise routine.

    Additionally, a study recently published in 2020 based on 15 young men aged 21-29 years (1) revealed that the amount of calories burned from squat are significantly less than push-up. Calories burned per squat: 0.36-0.64 kcal(95% confidence interval, 0.42 kcal-0.58 kcal); Calories burned per push-up: 0.57-0.97 kcal (95% confidence interval, 0.66 kcal-0.88 kcal); The heel-raise will burn the lowest calories in a minute(2.7±0.5 kcal, around 2.3 METs).
    Estimated energy expenditure from squats at a frequency of 10 repetitions per minute was 6.3±1.4 kcal (around 5.4 METs).Doing push-ups at 10 reps per minute will burn 9.2±2.1 kcal in one minute(around 7.8 METs).


    When it comes to working out, more often than not, it’s a choice between two options. You’re either slimming down and wanting to burn as many calories as possible or working out to build muscle and strength. Not to say that choosing one will turn your back on another, it’s just that one approach will focus more on either slimming or building. Knowing exactly what is your aim is the best way to start your program and at this point, you need to have as much information as possible.
    Doing squats to lose weight depends on what kind of squats you do. If your goal is to lose weight and have a more toned midsection and lower body, bodyweight squats are your best friend. No exercise engages as many lower body muscle groups as squats. Your body is burning more calories after your sets because it’s trying to recover from what it just went through. This is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. Increasing the intensity of your squats can bump up your calorie burn to up to 15 percent.
    Judging by the information we have above, squats seem to be a poor choice when it comes to burning calories. But there are a lot of benefits in doing squats that can directly affect your calorie-burning targets and ultimately weight loss.
    • Adding weight to your squats builds more muscle which means you burn more calories at rest. A 10-lb muscle mass burns 30 calories more than fat mass at rest in a day.
    • The added weight increases the intensity which then drastically increases your metabolism because you burn more calories as your body is trying to recover.
    • Better body composition. As we talked about earlier, squatting can trigger a positive body recomposition where you burning through a lot of fat and building muscle at the same time. This means that you may weigh about the same but you look slimmer and feel stronger than you did before. This is because of the increase in muscle mass which is denser than fat.

    Mix up your exercise

    Squats are a staple of any workout routine but it is geared more towards strength building than burning calories. It could indeed be the best way to burn calories compared to most exercises in the gym but it still burns less than traditional aerobic exercises. Squats are compound exercises that engages most of the lower body muscle groups which then gives you a stronger base to do other exercises but unlike running, biking, or jump rope, it’s calorie-burning effects are more due to the fact that it builds more muscle mass than sheer fat burnin. Beside, you may need to know Ruffier Squat test.
    Squat can have some other kind of variations, such as
    Resting Squat
    Jump Squat
    Single Leg Squat
    Wall Squat

    You can mix up your exercise and get more health benefits.


    (1) Estimating Energy Cost of Body Weight Resistance Exercise Using a Multistage Exercise Test. Takashi Nakagata, Yosuke Yamada, Hisashi Naito.Articles in PubMed