Calories burned doing pilates reformer class

How many calories are burned on a Pilates Reformer?

While the primary aspects of Pilates are different from weight loss, it is definitely a fantastic calorie burner! The Pilates Reformer is the central Pilates equipment. It is used for a wide range of exercises done in different kinds of positions.
A person who is a beginner and weighs roughly 150 pounds, can burn approximately 200-250 calories in a 60-minute session on a Pilates Reformer. An advanced trainee at the same weight, however, can burn up to 450 calories in the same duration! According to research by IDEA Health and Fitness Association, as a beginner, you burn at least four calories per minute in a Pilates class. At an intermediate level, you burn roughly six calories per minute, and at an advanced class up to 7.5 calories per minute in a Pilates class.
The total number of calories effectively burned, of course, depends upon your initial weight, the intensity of exertion and duration of each session.

How many calories are burned in a Hot Pilates session of 60 minutes?

Hot Pilates is generally performed in a room heated to roughly 90-95 Fahrenheit degrees, in about 40 per cent humidity. You would be relieved to know that it is quite simple to calculate how many calories you might burn with a certain duration of doing Hot Pilates. Multiple online websites and applications allow you to enter the required parameters, like your weight, to calculate how many calories you may burn in a specific amount of time.

How exactly does this calculation take place? It uses the MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) of Hot Pilates. Metabolic rate is essentially the amount of energy or calories burned by your body per unit time. MET is the ratio of your working metabolic rate to your resting metabolic rate. It is a simple indication of how intense your workout is. An activity with a MET value of 3.0 means that it has you exerting yourself three times more than when you are sitting or resting.

The MET value of Hot Pilates is 3.0. We first need to multiply this value with your weight (in kilograms). Finally, we multiply the result with 0.0175 and the duration for which you will be exercising, in minutes.

If you weigh 175 pounds and do Hot Pilates for 60 minutes, you can calculate your calorie burn using the simple following formula:

(175/2.2) * 3.0 * 0.0175 * 60 = 250.57 kcal

Therefore, 60 minutes of low-impact, high-intensity Hot Pilates will burn up to 250.57 kcal for a person weighing 175 pounds!

Is Pilates suitable for everyone?

Think about why Pilates is so immensely popular today – it is built to be accessible to anybody and everybody.
Pilates is designed for anyone with a body. It focuses on benefits important for everyone: building core strength, improving posture and balance, enhancing flexibility and developing coordination.
As a beginner, you have a wide range of options if Pilates classes to choose from. Professional instructors ensure that the process is easy, enjoyable and relaxing.
If you are looking to lose weight through a low-impact exercise, Pilates can be a gradual, effective and safe calorie burner. Additionally, it strengthens and tones your muscles and improves your flexibility, balance and coordination. This prepares your body to perform more intense workouts specially oriented for weight loss without the risk of injury.
If you are pregnant, look no further, because Pilates is the perfect option for you. It will strengthen your abdominal muscles and your pelvic floor, minimise backaches and vastly improve breathing control, concentration and balance. It is brilliant as a dynamic and safe fitness activity to prepare your body for childbirth.
Pilates is famed as a splendid fitness activity for older people. It prevents low bone density, effectively eliminating chances of contracting osteoporosis in senior persons. As a low-impact exercise which improves balance, coordination and flexibility, it will keep you fit and lower risks of injury from falling.
Pilates is commonly incorporated into regular workout routines by athletes and runners. Pilates is a full-body workout and impacts both your upper body and lower body, improving your forward momentum.
In case you have a chronic injury or are in recovery, you would be amazed to know that Pilates was created for you! Joseph Pilates developed Pilates as a fitness activity to allow injured dancers and athletes to continue exercising abs transition to their regular routines. Accessibility and inclusiveness are, therefore, paramount to Pilates!

What are some basic types of Pilates?

There are two basic types of Pilates that you can do. Mat-based Pilates and Equipment-based Pilates:
● Mat-based Pilates is basically a series of exercises that are performed on a mat, laid out on the floor. In this case, you use your own body-weight and the gravity as resistance, to exercise and tone your muscles.
● Equipment-based Pilates involves very specific equipment. Springs are utilised to give resistance to your muscles and strengthen them. For example, we have the ‘reformer’, which is basically a moveable carriage. You need to push it along its tracks. Some classes might make you use light weights, like dumbbells, if you are comfortable with that. These weights offer effective resistance to your muscles, to exercise and tone them.

What are some general precautions I will need to take?

Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise, and therefore, completely safe. In case you have had a surgery recently, consult your doctor about precautions that you might need to take. Pregnant women, people above 40 years of age, those with serious pre-existing conditions like serious heart ailments could also check with a doctor before beginning.
Pilates is extremely safe in general. If there are some movements you are physically unable to perform, speak with your instructor. Since it is essentially a programme keeping in mind people in recovery, you will surely be given a modified routine which accommodates your personal needs.